I'm Irene

Way back in 2010, I got a degree with honors in Occupational Therapy from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Bolzano. One of the most significant links in my educational chain was the engaging internship in Freiburg, Germany, where I immersed myself in the specialization in Sensory Integration for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. During this journey of discovery, my thesis wove a subtle thread, delving into the complex dialectical relationship between psychosocial factors and the development of sensory integration.

Immediately after graduating, I crossed the threshold of my professional career, focusing on working with children and adolescents in an educational and socio-therapeutic structure specializing in social psychopathology in Bolzano. 2011 brought a change of scenery, with my entry into the field of physical medicine and out-of-hospital rehabilitation at the Bolzano healthcare company.

The ambition to improve pushed me in 2013 to participate in the advanced SI610 training course in Los Angeles, where I obtained the ASI® Ayres Sensory Integration qualification and the precious SIPT certification. Upon my return to Italy, I enthusiastically tackled the master's degree in Rehabilitation Sciences of the Health Professions at the University of Verona. My thesis proposed a plan for the reorganization of a neurorehabilitation department, following the innovative principles of lean healthcare to increase activities with a rehabilitative value for the person.

In 2016, I took part in an intriguing movement of occupational therapists interested in the integration approach in Italy, taking on the role of spokesperson and contributing to the foundation of an association dedicated to promoting training in sensory integration. The subsequent chapters of my story unfolded between introductory training events, advanced training courses, engaging webinars, informative meetings and clinical supervision and clinical reasoning facilitation meetings, culminating in the management of the CASI international certification paths of the CLASI certifying body. During this period, I actively took part in the translation and standardization work of the Sensory Processing Measure SPM™ diagnostic tool.

2020 represented a new chapter with my involvement in the DIR-floortime specialist training pathway, completing the 201 course and earning the DIR 202 advanced proficient qualification in 2023.

The passion for creating therapeutic spaces opened the doors to a stimulating collaboration with the EMPIS company, transforming my vision of a therapeutic environment into a tangible reality. Subsequently, in pursuing my mission of innovation, I registered my sole proprietorship, called "ERGOTOiS", at the Bolzano chamber of commerce. This initiative aims to introduce innovative medical products and devices for rehabilitation onto the Italian market, thus contributing to progress in the sector and the offer of advanced solutions for the well-being of people with neurodevelopmental differences.

In 2023, I decided to further explore this dimension of my professional growth by enrolling in the master's degree in Design for Children at the Free University of Bolzano. In this new chapter, I seek to infuse depth and innovation into my commitment to human well-being by exploring the vast territory of objects, spaces, processes and experiences dedicated to their health and development.



I am Irene Bressan, creator of the ERGOTOiS vision and founder of the ERGOTooLS section, an area dedicated to the research and evolution of sophisticated tools for Sensory Integration. My passion is driven by the desire to create meaningful connections between people and their environment through advanced and innovative sensory solutions